<p><em> </em></p>Journal is published by Aleksandras Stulginskis University http://www.asu.lt/pradzia/en/en-USnjfcongress26Title page, contents
<p style="text-align: justify;">Dear colleagues,<br>These Proceedings include 27 articles with results of scientific research of participants of the 26th Congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF): Agriculture for the next 100 years, which took place on 27–29 June 2018 at Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Kaunas, Lithuania.<br>The Congress was dedicated to the presentation of latest research results and exchange of ideas on new investigations or the use of advanced research methods in various sectors of agriculture, biomedicine, technological and social sciences including interdisciplinary investigations in bio-economy, eco-systems, sustainable agriculture and rural development. The Congress programme embraces a wide range of topical directions in agriculture and rural development including crop farming, soil management, animal breading and welfare, sustainable land and landscape management, food quality and safety, food chain management, environment protection, farm management, improvement of policy in agriculture, economic and social aspects of rural development, education and consulting in agriculture and rural development in as wide as possible understanding of these topical directions.<br>Issuing these Proceedings, we are starting a new era of activities of NJF by giving a worldwide access to the research results of participants of NJF Congresses and increasing the visibility of NJF, which has a rich history and is celebrating its 100th anniversary, as it was established in year 1918. Currently eight national associations from Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and some not associated researchers from other countries participate in activities of NJF. We strongly believe that this act will serve to increase the authority of the network of agricultural scientists in Nordic and Baltic countries as well as the attractiveness of membership in this organisation for young researchers around the world.</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief: Arvydas Povilaitis</p>Rasa Pakeltienė
<p>The aim of this research was to clarify the successfulness of seeding medicinal plants in pasture. The trial was carried out in May 2016 in Latvia; soil – sod gleyic; pHKCl 5.7; organic matter content – 2.1 g kg-1. The trial included two mixtures of seeds: the mixture “Country Horse 2122” contained nine species of medicinal plants in different proportions; the second mixture contained oregano and St. John’s wort in equal parts. The seeds were sown in squares that were free from sward: “Country Horse 2122” in eight repetitions, and the mixture of oregano and St. John’s wort in seven repetitions. In the trial, the influence of the mixture on the growth and development of plants was studied, the changes in botanical composition were established, and the installation costs were calculated. In the squares with the oregano and St. John’s wort, more than 50% of plants were weeds. For “Country Horse 2122”, the count of weeds was 4% in 2016 and 7% in 2017. The costs of seeds and manual work for the “Country Horse 2122” trial were 139 EUR per 100 m2, and for the mixture of oregano and St. John’s wort – 208 EUR per 100 m2. The mixture “Country Horse 2122” can be recommended to farmers – it can be sown mechanized in lines. In that case, the costs can make about 250 EUR per ha, and the yield can be cut in the year of sowing.</p>Aleksandrs AdamovicsIrina SivickaRičards Edmunds Artamonovs
<p>Soil pollution with hazardous elements including heavy metals has become a problem all around the world. Heavy metals can cause health problems for people through access to the food chain. So, it is important to pay attention to soil, especially agricultural soil, contamination with hazardous elements. Mechanisms of physiological processes in plants are affected under heavy metal pollution. The aim of this study was to find out the impact of different lead (Pb) concentrations in the substrate on Pb accumulation in barley and lettuce leaves and roots, uptake of mineral elements, as well as effect on photosynthesis and chlorophyll <em>a </em>fluorescence, thus revealing differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Barley (<em>Hordeum vulgare </em>L.) and lettuce (<em>Lactuca sativa</em> L.) were selected for the vegetation experiment as representatives of the monocotyledons and dicotyledons, respectively. Plants were grown up in quartz sand under controlled growth conditions. The experiment lasted 28 days for barley and 43 days for lettuce. Plant growth and physiological parameters were investigated under increasing level of Pb in substrate: 0, 400, 600, 800, 1000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> for barley and 0, 200, 250, 300, 350 mg L<sup>-1</sup> for lettuce. Pb was added as Pb(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> in substrate. The following methods were used to analyze the plant material: the concentrations of Pb, Mg, Fe and Mn in air-dry plant material were estimated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 700); the content of photosynthetic pigments were determined by spectrophotometry method; chlorophyll <em>a</em> fluorescence parameters were determined with continuous excitation chlorophyll fluorimeter Handy PEA system. It was observed that the fresh weight of the experimental plants decreased with increasing concentration of lead in the substrate. Pb concentrations in roots were higher than in leaves for both barley and lettuce. There were differencies in the ability of Pb accumulation between model object leaves during the experiment. The results showed that in the conditions of the highest Pb concentrations in the substrate respectively 1000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> for barley, the concentration of Pb in barley leaves was 414.20 mg kg <sup>-1</sup>, while three timed lower pollution level for lettuce (Pb 350 mg L<sup>-1</sup>), caused almost similar Pb in lettuce leaves - 329.74 mg kg <sup>-1</sup>. In general, the uptake of several mineral elements (Mg, Fe, Mn) in lettuce and barley increased under Pb pollution. An increase of Pb concentrations in substrate resulted in the decreased content of chlorophyll <em>a+b </em>in leaves of model objects. At the end of the experiment in the conditions of maximum investigated Pb concentrations the content of chlorophyll <em>a+b </em>in barley leaves was 2.1 times lower and in lettuce leaves 1.3 times lover than that in the control plant leaves. The results showed that increasing Pb concentrations in substrate has a different effect on photosynthesis describing parameters in monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Both exclusion and tolerance strategies operate as plant resistance mechanisms to Pb as a stress factor in the model objects – barley and lettuce.</p>Vita AlleAnita OsvaldeUldis KondratovicsMara Vikmane
<p>The article has revealed the essence of monitoring the socio-economic and spatial development of the region. The study has concluded that it is necessary to methodically differentiate spatial monitoring and “classical” monitoring of social and economic development. Besides, indicators of monitoring of spatial development of the region have been given and the order of their estimation has been described on the example of regions of the South of Russia. An assessment of the model of spatial organization of territories has shown that the most even distribution of economic power and impulses of economic development are noted in the Stavropol Territory. The economy of this region develops on a network principle, unlike other regions of the South of Russia, although it has a similar specialization and comparable conditions for the resource potential. The paper concludes that the implementation of monitoring of socio-economic and spatial development of the regions should be indivisible elements of the tools of the regional management system, aimed at timely identification of the existing differentiation of the territories in order to further smooth it. The application of methods of spatial analysis makes it possible to identify such important parameters of the development of the region as the level of centralization, narrowing, fragmentation of economic space. The analysis of spatial development allows reducing the asymmetry in the development of the regions of Russia through the application of complex targeted regional development programs, the activities of which are built individually for each typological group of regions, depending on the level of spatial development.</p>Alexey Nikolaevich BobryshevLubov Alexandrovna ChaykovskayaElena Ivanovna KostyukovaInna Borisovna ManzhosovaYelena Alekseyevna Batishcheva
<p>The problem of studying the personnel potential of various sectors of the economy is topical and permanent in its importance for ensuring sustainable functioning and consistent development of socio-economic systems. At the same time, ensuring high rates of attracting highly qualified personnel to the agrarian sector of the economy and rational use of human resources in the interests of its dynamic innovative development requires constant diagnosis of the territory’s personnel policy implemented and the identification of internal and external factors affecting its transformation. The purpose of the study is to examine the composition of workers of agricultural organizations in the South of Russia, assess the shortage of cadres of mass professions and managers of agricultural organizations in the region, identify factors that affect the changing human resources and form the personnel policy of economic entities in order to identify the potential need for specialties. The study uses methods of interviewing experts and questioning respondents. The authors proposed an algorithm for revealing regularities and prospects for the formation of the cadre potential of territories.</p>Alexey Nikolaevich BobryshevNatalia Federovna KrivorotovaSergey Aleksandrovich TuninMarina Viktorovna Fes'kova, mrs
<p>The increase of dairy production leads to the higher demand for the automation of some processes in farms. The large benefits for farmers usually does not give the same results for cow welfare and leaves significant mark on the cow potential lifespan. The aim of our study was to determine until what extent different factors affect the longevity traits of cows in voluntary milking system. In study were included 114 dairy cows that were included in voluntary milking system (VMS) group from year 2013 to 2018. The data about cows were collected from Latvian “Agriculture Data Center”. Cows were distributed in the 3 – 4 different groups depending on their milk productivity, milk quality, udder depth linear evaluation score and stature in the first lactation. The average lifespan of analyzed cows were 1824.252.05, when were obtained 30317.9±1280.25 kg milk that leads to 16.1±0.35 kg milk per one life day. Analysis of factors showed tendency that the significantly (p<0.05) longest lifespan and the lowest lifetime milk productivity were observed in group with lowest productivity in the first lactation (accordingly 2257.2±196.10 days with 37414.7±4499.70 kg milk). The somatic cell count (SCC) in milk showed similar tendency that highest longevity trait values were obtained in groups with the lowest SCC (accordingly 34170.7±2991.62 kg and 17.1±0.85 kg milk). The type trait analysis showed the tendency to decrease with the increase of type trait score. In the udder depth group the longest lifespan (2014.2±240.48 days) were observed form cows with udder depth evaluation score <5 points. </p>Lāsma CielavaDaina JonkusBaiba RivzaSandija Zeverte-Rivza
<p>The aim of the paper is to examine the characteristics and evolution of the credit support for agricultural land purchase in Poland and to assess its outcomes after 23 years of operating with a special focus on changes in farm structure. The examined period covers years 1994-2016. Descriptive statistics were applied for analyses of empirical data. The analysis showed that besides the privatization of state land, the preferential credit has been an important tool of agricultural policy for farm structure improvement in Poland for a period of the market economy. It is very remarkable that the credit support has been very well organized, stable and long-term. During this long period there where only minor changes in terms of credits. The data indicate that 14% of the Polish farms were beneficiaries of preferential credits for financing the land purchase. 1.8 million ha of agricultural land (ca 10% of the stock of agricultural land area in Poland in 1994) changed the owner during the examined period. Subsidised agricultural land purchase influenced the farm structure by area. The average per farm area of agricultural land increased from 6.7 ha in 1994 to 10.3 ha in 2016. The share of agricultural land bought with the credit support in market turnover of agricultural land in examined period, estimated at 45%, illustrates the role of this support for improvement of a farm structure. However, the contribution of preferential credits to a sharp increase in agricultural land price was a negative outcome of the support.</p>Alina Danilowska
<p>The aim of the presented research is the implementation of a mathematical model to analyse and plan the production of solid biomass fuel by compressing. The mathematical model reflects the current experimental state of the art of effectiveness of fuel compressing machines. The process of making briquettes is considered to be fairly energy-intensive. Nevertheless, if we compare the energy expenditures to the heating value of the fuel, then it is less than 10%, even when converted into primary energy. The experiments that were conducted by the authors illustrate that the actual energy expenditure is significantly smaller. The main expenditure comes from moving the working parts of the device. The energy that is needed for briquetting is insignificant. The residual bulk-material from agricultural and forest industry has low bulk density which consequently causes several management problems. However, it is beneficial to produce fuel with homogeneous properties using pressure processing. Unfortunately, the raw material does not correspond well to the pressure from the briquette machine; yet, the management can be substantially improved with adding wood to the mixtures.</p>Mart HoviArtis TeilansKülli HoviAndres Annuk
<p>Historically, Aizpute was first mentioned in the records in the middle of the 13<sup>th </sup>century. The Order of Livonia, the existence of the Duchy of Courland until the end of the 18<sup>th </sup>century, and the time of the Courland Governorate until 1918 have produced a very significant overlaying of the landscape space of the town. The river Tebra which enriches the landscape of the town has historically served as the border river between the Bishopric of Courland and the State of the Livonian Order. In turn, in the second half of the 19<sup>th</sup> century, a dike is constructed on the river and the historic centre acquires a vast waterfront - a mill lake. The left bank as the bluff with the ancient castle, manor brewery, the master’s house, and roadside pub form a distinct silhouette of the cultural and historic landscape. Unfortunately, the expressiveness of the silhouette is reduced by a chaotic clumps of trees and a well-considered thinning is required for the existing trees. In summer, when trees sprout their leaves, the main sight lines are hidden. The most picturesque sight lines can be found on both banks of the river along the mill lake. The accessibility to this site remains an unresolved issue. This is one of the first tasks to be carried out in the development plan of the local authority. The scale of the historical building and the trees is particularly well comparable with the photographic material of archives. When researching each of the above sites of the old building in detail, the blue-green structures on both banks of the river Tebra .</p>Una ĪleAija Ziemeļniece
<p>Dairy cow milk productivity can be affected by series of factors that could be influenced by environment or cows’ physiological condition. One of the best factors for characterization of the rearing conditions and cow potential is the age at first calving (AFC) and the live weight at the beginning of first lactation. The aim of our study was to determine the effect of AFC and live weight at first lactation on the local breed cow milk productivity, composition and quality. In the study were included 25 Latvian Brown (LBGR) and 25 Latvian Blue (LZ) breed cows in the genetic resource conservation program and analysed in VPP AgroBioRes project. Cows were located in different regions of Latvia and in different farms (in average 2.8 cows per farm). Cows were distributed in 4 groups depending on their AFC and live weight in the beginning of first lactation.. The average milk productivity in first lactation the highest were in year 2017 for LBGR breed cows (5250.1 kg), in the same time LZ breed cows characterized with 5164.5 kg milk. The AFC not only significantly (p<0.05) impacted the milk productivity, but also showed effect on analysed cow lifespan as LBGR breed cows in the group with AFC >30 months did not live past third lactation. The significantly higher LBGR cow milk productivity in the third lactation were in cow group with live weight at first lactation 451 – 500 kg, but in LZ breed group - >550 kg (accordingly 5342.5±231.35 and 5493.0±522.69 kg milk).</p>Daina JonkusLāsma CielavaSolvita Petrovska
<p>The paper presents achievements of long-term management practices on main health indicators of moraine loam Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol. The study site is Vėžaičiai Branch situated in Western Lithuania, eastern fringe of the coastal lowland (55°43´N, 21°27´E). The object of investigation is a naturally acid soil Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol (texture – moraine loam with a clay-sized particle content of 12-14%) and the same soil exposed for more than ten years to tillage of different intensity (deep and shallow ploughing and shallow tillage) and for half a century exposed to different periodic liming (0.5 rates every 7 years and 2.0 rates every 3-4 years) whose rates are calculated accoring to soil hydrolytic acidity and liming (1.0 rate every 5 years) in combination with famyard manure (40 and 60 t ha<sup>-1</sup>). The obtained research findings suggest that soil pH, organic matter and water stable aggregates allow a quick improvement by proper liming and its combination with manuring. The intensive soil tillage (deep ploughing) disturbs some attributes associated with soil health - decreases organic carbon and deteriorates structure, while the less aggresive soil management was shallow soil tillage.</p>Danutė KarčauskienėRegina RepšienėDalia AmbrazaitienėRegina SkuodienėIeva JokubauskaitėŽilvinas KryževičiusMonika Vilkienė
<p>Lately, much has been said about ivermectin resistance to digestive horse strongilide infections. Often, the owners of the horses choose the animal to do deworming, without sending first the coprogram to the laboratory for the test. Misidentifying antihelmetic and inappropriate doses result in the strongilide ivermectin resistance.</p> <p>Our goal was to investigate whether the ivermectin resistance was observed in horses in Latvia. The tasks were as follows: collecting faecal samples, examining them, calculating the quantity of an invasion, identifying resistance. The study was launched in March 2018.</p> <p>In the study, we used 23 horses from the age of five, different sexes and types of use (sport, hobby etc). Horses were from different districts of Latvia (Jelgava, Riga, Jekabpils, Aizkraukle region). All animals were clinically healthy – rectal temperature, respiration rate, heart rate, condition of the animal were determined. 23 horses were examined for coprology specimens. Samples were obtained from each horse rectal, faeces put into sterile plastic bags, each individually identified (animal identification number, age, gender), and transported in a cold box at plus 4<sup>0</sup> C to the laboratory for investigation. Samples were examined at the Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine at the Parasitology Laboratory using the flotation method. The egg number is set per gram of faeces after McMaster. (P. Keidans, 2008).</p> <p>Depending on the results obtained and the volume of the invasion, all positive horses were given an ivermectin-containing paste. The dose is adapted to the individual weight of each horse. Repeated faecal samples were taken after 14 days. Samples were examined by flotation method, and the number of eggs re-diagnosed per gram of faeces after McMaster.</p> <p>We can conclude that in the samples, before deworming with ivermectin-containing paste, the number of strongilidae eggs varied from 100 to 800 eggs per gram of faeces.</p> <p>Collection and investigation of faecal samples are still going on.</p>Dace KeidaneGita OzolaAija Ilgaza
<p>The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of conventional and reduced tillage and crop sequences on mineral nitrogen (N<sub>min.</sub>) turnover in soil, including its seasonal and temporal variations, and distribution in soil profile. The experiment was carried out in 2012–2016 in Cambic Calcisol (Aric, Endohypocalcic, Ochric, Endoruptic, Episiltic, Protostagnic, Bathyluvic); texture – silty clay loam. Crop rotations included wheat monocrop, and winter wheat–winter oilseed rape and cereal–winter oilseed rape–faba bean sequences. Every month during the growing season, soil samples at three different depths (0–20, 20–40, and 40–60 cm) were taken and the N–NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> and N–NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> content was analyzed. The content of N<sub>min.</sub> in soil varied significantly among years, and about half of it was found in the upper 0–20 cm soil layer. The tillage method had little effect on N<sub>min.</sub> in soil; however, a trend of its higher concentrations was observed in conventional tillage compared to the reduced one. The average N<sub>min.</sub> content in the 0–60 cm and 0–20 cm soil layer during growing seasons was year-dependent. The least 5-year averaged amount of N<sub>min.</sub> in soil at the depth of 0–60 cm (54.8 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> N) was determined under wheat monocrop, whereas the highest N<sub>min.</sub> amount (66.3 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> N) was found under cereal–winter oilseed rape–faba bean rotation.</p>Aldis KarklinsInara LipeniteAntons Ruza
<p>Legumes, as a source of proteins and energy, are one of the major plants used for food and forage since olden times. Range of <em>Lathyrus</em> (sweet peas) and <em>Vicia</em> (vetches) species grow in natural meadows of Lithuania. Due to their current economic value and potential for future utilization, <em>Vicia</em> and <em>Lathyrus</em> genus had a high priority for organic ruminant farm forage development.</p> <p>The grass protein content, studies of spontaneous perennial <em>Vicia</em> and <em>Lathyrus </em>species were carried out. Fife <em>Vicia</em> genus (<em>V. cracca</em>, <em>V. sepium</em>, <em>V. villosa</em>, <em>V. amngustifolia</em>, <em>V. hirsuta</em>) and three species of the <em>Lathyrus</em> genus species (<em>L. pratensis</em>, <em>L. sylvestris</em>, <em>L. palustris</em>,) were studied in collection of university Experimental station of Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Middle Lithuania, on soil – clay loam on sandy light loam <em>Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luvisol(LVg-n-w-cc</em>). The evaluation of grass protein content was based on testing of the individual plant grass mass ant parts like foliage, stems and flowers. The crude protein analysis was carried out using the Kjeldahl method.</p> <p>The protein content in dry matter of grass varied between species and investigated plant parts. The lowest volume of protein was in stems of investigated species and the highest one – in blossoms. The protein content of the blossoms of the tested species ranged from 32.1 % up to 40.5 %, the protein content in foliage ranged from 21.4 % to 29.6 %. The largest portion in the tested species grass mass consisted of leaves (on average 50.8 %). The total foliage protein content of the tested vetch species was on average 25.62 %, and a little less in the sweet pea species – on average 23.13 %. <em>V. sepium</em> and <em>L. sylvestris</em> were characterized by the highest protein content in the grass. <em>L. pratensis</em> and <em>V. cracca</em> were described by the lowest volume of protein. The relationship between the tested parameters and the location of geographical origin was not found during the experimental period.</p>Nijolė Maršalkienė
2019-02-052019-02-056499CONFLICTS IN BALTIC FISHERIES
<p>The deteriorating biological conditions in the Baltic Sea, a small epicontinental sea, due to overexploitation of fish stocks has led to a decline in the condition of fish stocks, both quantitatively (reduction of shoals) and qualitatively (size of the specimens and their condition). Overexploitation of fish stocks particularly concerns the most valuable species (e.g., cod and salmon) as well as the species that they feed on (e.g., herring and sprat). The growing competition in the exploitation of Baltic fish stocks has resulted in conflicts between different types of fisheries: small scale, marine, and recreational fisheries. Coastal zones experience intense conflicts, in which case, the most disadvantaged is the small-scale fisheries operating in a short distance from the harbors. However, catches for the industrial purposes are a probable cause of deterioration of the Baltic cod stocks. According to our review, the present condition of Baltic fisheries is far from the desired state described as sustainable fishery.</p>Bartosz MickiewiczWojciech Brocki
<p>Of the total arable land area of 2.6 million hectares in Sweden in the year 2017, the acreage of ‘marginal’ or passively used land, such as fallow, low-intensity ley, etc., may amount to half a million hectares. By contrast, the future demand for land for the production of fuels and industrial products is expected to increase. The aims of this study were to characterise arable marginal land in four municipalities in Sweden with regard to e.g. field size, field shape and remoteness, and to compare the time demand and costs for machine operations in ‘marginal’ fields and in ‘normal’ fields. Field work was simulated with a model that mimics the in-field driving pattern of machines.</p> <p>The results highlighted the fact that what is considered a small field in one part of the country may be considered a ‘large’ field in another part. Furthermore, it was shown that the average parcel area for fallow and low-intensity ley culture was in the range 1-2 ha, which is smaller than for ‘normal’ fields with e.g. cereal crops. Marginal fields often have a more irregular shape, and they are often more distant, but this was also dependent on region and type of landscape. The simulations showed that field area and field shape have significant impacts on time demand and machinery costs. For example, it was shown that the time demand and costs rise steeply for fields smaller than about 2 ha as a result of more time, relatively seen, spent on e.g. turnings.</p>Daniel NilssonHåkan Rosenqvist
<p>Rural territory is an important part of the community's living space, moreover, it is a living space for sustainable and smart development. With the growing public demand for a healthy living environment and healthy food, the role of rural territory as a living space for community and the necessity to maintain its sustainable development is increasing. However, the sustainability of the rural territories as a living space will be preserved only when residents will be ready for the changes and if the state institutions and local governments are promoting trends politically and practically. Latvia is one of the three Baltic states that geographically is located on the east coast of the Baltic Sea and has undergone the same historical development processes over the past 100 years.<br>The research of the autors on the economic situation of these countries over the past decade allows making a number of conclusions. Firstly, Latvia after the regaining of national independence has received the lowest competitiveness rating among the Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. At the same time, it showed the highest growth rates and reduced distances between these countries. Secondly, the reduction of these differences was significantly influenced by the growth rate of the economy segment in Latvia. Thirdly, the growth of the economy in the rural territories has been faster than in larger cities. Fourthly, the rural space has confirmed its suitability for the growth of the economy.</p>Baiba RivzaMaiga KruzmetraLinda Sunina
<p>The analysis of the data, reflecting the situation in labour market during post-crisis period in Lithuania, show the optimistic upward trends, but the situation is improving very slowly and is too fragile to avoid worrying about the future. The continuing demographic problems, intensive emigration, the growth of income disparities between the various groups of the population promotes the development of human resources and the adaptation of their skills in a constantly changing environment. The investigation on these issues is important from both – theoretical and practical points of view. From theoretical point of view analysis of scientific publications and generation of new ideas on proper management of challengers in a constantly changing environment it is important. Practical importance lies in provided proposals for increase of youth inclusion into labour, learning and training activities.</p> <p>The investigation is based on monographic research of scientific publications, legislation, national and EU legal regulation of human resources and improvement of labour market situation. For empirical research there were used accessible statistical data and data from Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) made in 2016. In the result of this investigation are proposed measures for youth inclusion into labour, learning and training activities in Lithuania.</p>Linas Stabingis
<p>Modern trends in the development of sheep breeding suggest an increase in the importance of meat characteristics of animals with the fullest possible preservation of wool productivity indicators, which is particularly in demand when organizing lamb production, combined with the application of remote aerospace methods for assessing pasture fertility.</p> <p> The study of the relationship between morpho-biochemical blood indices and resistance to the live weight of young animals obtained from intra- and inter-linear selection of parents and the correlation analysis of the economically useful signs of mothers with their daughters made it possible to establish the degree of the prepotent influence of one mothers’ sign on the manifestation of a similar trait in offspring. </p> <p> The Caucasian breed ewes of the desirable line have the greatest heritability of wool fineness (21.1-22.3 μm), so as the Jalghin merino ewes of the fine line - (18.1-20.5 μm). The shearing of the washed wool was better inherited by the Caucasian breed animals of the desired line and its interlinear selection with the thick-wool line, as well as the Jalghin merino ewes of the strong line. The latter were characterized by the greatest degree of heritability of the live mass, as well as interlinear ewes when combined with long-wool and thick-wool lines. </p> <p> At the age of 4 months, young ewes had the highest repeatability rates and did not have significant differences between linear and interlinear variants of breeding. With increasing age, the level of repeatability factors in all groups was reduced to values of 0.41 to 0.61. At the same time, it should be noted that the young ewes of the Caucasian variety with interlinear breeding had the living mass feature characterized by greater stability than the linear one. </p> <p>The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia under the Agreement No. 14.613.21.0081 with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from November 22, 2017, the unique identifier: RFMEFI61317X0081.</p>Vladimir TrukhachevOliinyk SerhiiChernobay EugeneAntonenko TatianaViktor Konoplev
<p>In this article the meat productivity of offspring received from reciprocal selection of parental pairs of 1.5 and 3.5 years age of the Soviet merino breed sheep. It was found that, on average, the ewes obtained from the uneven-aged selection on the slaughter mass exceeded the ewes received from the even- age selection by 6.2% (P <0.05), on the slaughter yield this superiority was 1.5 abs. percent. It was also found that the ewes obtained from the lambed ewes of 3,5 years age and the rams of 1,5 years age exceeded the herdmates of other variants of selection for slaughter mass from 4.3% (P> 0.05) to 14.9 (P <0 , 05) and slaughter output - from 0.6 to 2.3 abs.percent. The coefficient of meat in the ewes from the uneven-aged selection was on the average higher by 0.27 units. The first class of cuts was the most in Group II animals (94.2%), which exceeded the herdmates of Groups I, III and IV by this indicator - by 1.8, 0.2 and 0.7%. The first sort of cuts was greatest in animals obtained from lambed ewes of 3.5 years age and rams of 1.5 years age (94.2%), which exceeded the herdmates from 0.2 to 1.8%. The ewes from the uneven-age selection exceeded herdmates from the even-age selection in the length of the small intestine and the average index was 27.8 m, which is higher by 0.5 m, or by 1.8%. The results of the research showed that in terms of meat and interior characteristics, the offspring received from the parents of uneven-age selection are superior to those obtained from the even-age selection parents.</p> <p>The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia under the Agreement No. 14.613.21.0081 with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from November 22, 2017, the unique identifier: RFMEFI61317X0081.</p>Vladimir TrukhachevSerhii OliinykEvgeny ChernobayAlexander MarynichSergey Sklyarov
<p>Modern technologies allow remote monitoring of the quality of agricultural land using unmanned aerial photography. This process is less expensive, more mobile and more efficient and provides accurate and detailed information on the required object. The use of high-resolution cameras from 5 cm / pixel allows you to quickly examine large arrays of fields. The organization of monitoring is most effective when there is a service of geoanalytical data (space images) and in this case, monitoring is carried out from the problem areas.</p> <p>Monitoring of agricultural lands in the Stavropol Territory with the help of UAV showed that the processes of land degradation tend to increase and solving this problem is one of the top priorities in land management. Negative processes develop both on arable land and on natural forage lands due to an increase in anthropogenic load. Since a large plowing of the territory and uncontrolled grazing of agricultural animals contribute to the development of various types of land degradation.</p> <p>The timely identification of new foci of erosion processes and their development helps to solve the problem of agricultural land degradation, which is achieved through the use of remote technologies. Inventory of land using UAV is much more accurate and productive than current methods of bypassing the field on the contour or drawing on satellite data. Therefore, this work and the scheme for identifying degraded lands with the help of UAV can be the main document for working out the methodology and developing working projects to eliminate local causes of agricultural land degradation.</p> <p>The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia under the Agreement No. 14.613.21.0081 with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from November 22, 2017, the unique identifier: RFMEFI61317X0081</p>Vladimir TrukhachevSerhii OliinykVitaly MorozovAlexander LoshakovAlexander Esaulko
<p>Modern genotypes of dairy cattle created on the base of the Holstein breed are characterized by improved external conformation performance relatively to the milk-type expression of an animal and increased in comparison to the first mother rocks, by 25-50% by the milk production parameters, annual yield of the best cows in commodity farms can often reach 7500-9000 kg of milk. However, the uncontrolled use of bulls-improvers can often lead to disruption of the process of reproduction of the herd and the birth of weakened and unviable calves.</p> <p>Analysis of the causes of the disturbance of the normal reproduction process in the dairy herd of black and white cattle, created by absorbing crossing with the Holstein bulls, showed that the cause of the birth of a weakened youngster with signs of deformity (internal organ dystopia, aplasia and hypoplasia of limbs, absence of lumbar vertebrae, eye pathology, atresia of anal verge) and clinical signs of a disturbance of the function of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, refusal of feed, lethargy, oppression), dehydration (dryness and loss of skin elasticity, retraction of an eyeball), thickening of the joints was the use of the selection of parental pairs of seed bull with a genetic anomaly HH1C. In this case, the genetic analysis of the brood stock according to 12 types of haplotypes, associated with impaired fertility, and to 31 types of monogenic diseases showed that the reason of the birth of impaired calves was connected with genetic anomalies CVM and BLAD only for 6.9% of the breeding stock.</p> <p>The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia under the Agreement No. 14.613.21.0081 with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from November 22, 2017, the unique identifier: RFMEFI61317X0081.</p>Vladimir TrukhachevSerhii OliinykNikolai ZlydnevVitaly MorozovNikolai BeluginTatiana AleksandrovaElena Zorina
<p>The aim of the study was to present the mechanism of operation and to assess technically and economically a typical household photovoltaic installation. The study included the data on the construction of the PV installation panels and the aspects connected with the profitability of the investment. The energy consumption and production from the existing photovoltaic installations was analysed and the project was assessed as well.</p> <p>The polycrystalline panels, the monocrystalline panels and the CdTe panel were selected for the analysis (table 1). The value of the savings was calculated on the basis of the energy production from the photovoltaic installation multiplied by the average energy cost and the coefficient for the prosumers in the settlement with the distribution system operator.</p> <p>The discussed photovoltaic installation used the photovoltaic polycrystalline panels which allowed for the achievement of the most beneficial yield-price relationship under Polish conditions. The economic analysis determined a degree of the covered energy demands in the discussed case. It amounted to 29,44% per year and allowed for the obtainment of the savings at the level of over PLN 1200 per year.</p>Karol TuckiAnna BaczykAnna Krzyžanowska
<p>The intensive development of the automotive industry has been observed over the past decades. The prices of cars have become more affordable for the average consumer, resulting in the increase in the number of the vehicles. This is connected with the increased exhaust emission which has an adverse impact on the environment. The proper standards whose role was to minimise the harmful effects of the vehicle on the environment were placed on the car manufactures. The on-board diagnosis systems have been developed for the permanent monitoring of the vehicles. The OBD system is one of them.</p> <p>The aim of the study was to develop the interface with the use of simulation tools for the acquisition of information from the OBD system for the engine simulation of the vehicle in-service within the currently applicable WLTP test. The diagrams of the performed simulation of the operation of the vehicle within the WLTP test with the use of the Scilab Xcos environment and the results achieved from the applied interface were presented in the design part.</p> <p>The mathematical relations were used to build a simulation model of the operation of the vehicle within the WLTP test which faithfully reproduces the real operating processes. The development of the simulation for the acquisition of the data on the current operating parameters of the engine allows for the creation of the programming solutions at the initial stages without the necessity for the operation of the programme with the real OBD system integrated in the vehicle.</p>Karol TuckiRemigiusz MrukAnna BączykKatarzyna Botwińska
<p>The article presents data of the assessment of the application effect of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulators on the photosynthetic activity of corn plants, as well as on the yields of early and middle-early hybrids of corn. Research conducted on the experimental field of the research laboratory "Korma" of the Samara State Agricultural Academy in 2015-2017. It was established that the grain yield of corn hybrids with the application of mineral fertilizers for the years 2015-2017 was 4,70 ... 7,17 t / ha., where the hybrid Gitago (FAO 200) is leading on the background 3. With the use of growth stimulators, the corn crop yield was 4,86 ... 5,86 t / ha. with the maximum index in Dolphin hybrid with application of Megamix N10. Agrophytocenosis of corn on average for 2015-2017, when applying mineral fertilizers to the phase of milky wax maturity, formed 21,27 ... 35,84 thousand m<sup>2</sup> / ha. leaf surface with a maximum in the TK 202 hybrid on the 3 background. The largest area of leaves in variants with the use of growth stimulants is noted on hybrids Dolphin and Krasnodarsky 194 – 35,78 and 37,06 thousand m<sup>2</sup> / ha, with the use of Aminocate. Maximum PP were observed in TK 202 hybrids and Dolphin – 1,95 and 1,92 million m<sup>2</sup> / ha, on background 3. The maximum PP with stimulant application was 2,50 million m<sup>2</sup> / ha. The highest NPP is observed when applying mineral fertilizers on the Falcon hybrid (FAO 180) – 10,06 g / m<sup>2 </sup>day. With the use of growth stimulators, the NPP is at the level of 6,82 ... 8,10 g / m<sup>2</sup> day with the highest index in the Krasnodarsky 194 hybrid.</p>Irina Kamishanovna KoshelevaVasily Grigorievich VasinAlexey Vasilievich VasinAleksey Nikolaevich Burunov
<p>The job presents the data about photosynthetic activity of plants and productivity of mixtures with Bromus Inermis, Agropyron pectiniforme with Poterium Polygamum and Onobrychis Arenaria, Medicago Caerulea, Lotus corniculatus with application of growth stimulants “Matritsarosta” and “Gumi 20M”. The best indicator of photosynthetic activity, leaf area, photosynthetic potential, as well as the maximum productivity of grass stands, the collection of dry matter, the yield of digestible protein was shown by four-component grass-legumesmixtures with Onobrychis arenaria and Medicago Caerulea.</p>Irina Kamishanovna KoshelevaVasily Grigorievich VasinAlexey Vasilievich VasinArina Alekseevna KozhaevaIrina Valeryevna Karlova
<p>Thermal hydrolysis is an established method of pre-treating organic wastes prior to anaerobic digestion or as an intermediate step between two anaerobic digesters. The process can be likened to pressure cooking, where material is subjected to high temperatures (usually 100-200°C) and respective pressures for a defined period of time (usually <1 hour). For many full-scale and, to the best of our knowledge, all pilot and laboratory-scale applications, the equipment used usually operates in batch mode due to technical difficulties of adding and removing material to a pressurised continuous process. The advantages of a continuous (or semi-continuous) process at full-scale over a batch process include a smaller footprint and lower operational costs. At pilot or laboratory-scale, batch thermal hydrolysis reactors suffer from problems of slow heating and cooling times which leads to poor definition of true treatment times. This work describes the development and operation of a pilot scale (treatment volume of 1.02 litres) thermal hydrolysis system that operates semi continuously. By using a high electrical heating power of 7.2 kW and a high heating surface to volume ratio, the system can treat materials for periods of just a few minutes. The system has been tested using the liquid fraction of cattle manure and biogas batch tests have shown that methane yields were increased by up to 40.5% at four days digestion, but the improvement was less pronounced at longer digestion times, with 12% increased methane yield after thirty two days.</p>Alastair James Ward
<p>This study raises the question whether or not rural areas in the Visegrad and Nordic-Baltic countries have been approaching the state of balance between the triple dimensions (economic, social and ecological) of the sustainability paradigm. To answer it, we assessed the multidimensional rural development level, determined the distance between genuine state of development and its sustainability equilibrium, and identified distance changes over time for each country. The quantitative results for the 2000-2013 period were derived by using factor analysis to build synthetic indexes for each dimension and then to aggregate them into the composite index providing overall measure of sustainable development; the 3D Cartesian system to find the development distances to perfect sustainability, and time-series analysis. The findings indicate that over the whole period rural development was generally higher in Nordic-Baltic countries but Visegrad rural areas were relatively much closer to their equally balanced state, with top positions of Hungary (EU-28 leader), Czech Republic and Poland, than these in Nordic-Baltic region with the largest unbalance in Latvia (last-place in EU-28), Estonia and Sweden. Development patterns ranged from ‘high and sustainable’ in Finland through ‘high but unsustainable’ in Sweden to ‘low but sustainable’ development in Poland. From 2000 to 2013, the progress towards rural sustainability took place merely in Poland, Finland and Denmark. The other Nordic-Baltic and Visegrad countries faced increasing deterioration of this sustainability – the most intensive in the Czech Republic. Our results suggest that synergy between high level of rural development and its high sustainability degree may exist without making trade-offs between the sustainability dimensions. How this balance can be achieved depends on various factors that need further research.</p>Aldona ZawojskaTomasz Siudek