Aim and Scope

The aim of the Proceedings of 26th Congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF): Agriculture for the next 100 years (NJF Proceedings) is dedicated to promote exchange in scientific knowledge by publishing scientific articles in agriculture, biomedicine, technological and social sciences including interdisciplinary investigations in bio-economy, eco-systems, sustainable agriculture and rural development including crop farming, soil management, animal breading and welfare, sustainable land and landscape management, food quality and safety, food chain management, environment protection, farm management, improvement of policy in agriculture, economic and social aspects of rural development, education and consulting in agriculture and rural development in as wide as possible understanding of these topical directions practically and/or theoretically associated with the countryside, agriculture and its infrastructure.

The Proceedings of NJF Congress publishes articles in the following fields of research

  • Quality of soil and its protection
  • Crop science and production
  • Organic farming
  • Efficiency of gardening and horticulture
  • Integrated management of pests and weeds
  • Animal welfare and protection of animal health
  • Efficient use of feed resources
  • Efficiency of aquaculture, apiculture, forestry and other activities in farms
  • Quality issues and safety in chain of food and other agricultural products (grain, fruits, vegetable, milk, meat, fur and others)
  • Water resources management and safety
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
  • Management of landscapes in rural areas
  • Technologies of biofuel and biomass producing for energy
  • Technologies of precise agriculture in crop and livestock farming
  • Politics and regulations on agriculture and rural development
  • Tendencies of agricultural production in global markets
  • Management of farms and its resources
  • Management of risks in agriculture
  • Entrepreneurship and development of labour market in rural areas
  • Sustainable development of rural areas and interaction with urban areas
  • Perspectives of development of agriculture in Nordic and Baltic countries
  • Education and consulting in agriculture and rural development

Publication schedule

The proceedings of NJF Congress publishes articles online, Open Access, after each NJF Congress as soon as they are ready (continuous publication), to avoid delays after acceptance.
The proceedings will be provided in print to the participants of NJF Congress, who expressed interest in receiving printed issue.


Individual articles are published Open Access under the Creative Commons Licence: CC-BY 4.0.
The proceedings is copyright ASU © Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU), all rights reserved.


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