Current Issue
Congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF) is the international, peer-reviewed scientific journal is published by Aleksandras Stulginskis University and Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economic, the leading institutions of research in agricultural & rural business management and economics in Lithuania.
The aim of the proceedings is to promote exchange in scientific knowledge by publishing scientific articles in social sciences areas: management and administration, business studies, public administration, economic, as well as application oriented, practically and / or theoretically associated with the agriculture and its infrastructure and rural development.
The Proceedings of NJF Congress publishes articles in the following fields of research:
- Quality of soil and its protection
- Crop science and production
- Organic farming
- Efficiency of gardening and horticulture
- Integrated management of pests and weeds
- Animal welfare and protection of animal health
- Efficient use of feed resources
- Efficiency of aquaculture, apiculture, forestry and other activities in farms
- Quality issues and safety in chain of food and other agricultural products (grain, fruits, vegetable, milk, meat, fur and others)
- Water resources management and safety
- Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
- Management of landscapes in rural areas
- Technologies of biofuel and biomass producing for energy
- Technologies of precise agriculture in crop and livestock farming
- Politics and regulations on agriculture and rural development
- Tendencies of agricultural production in global markets
- Management of farms and its resources
- Management of risks in agriculture
- Entrepreneurship and development of labour market in rural areas
- Sustainable development of rural areas and interaction with urban areas
- Perspectives of development of agriculture in Nordic and Baltic countries
- Education and consulting in agriculture and rural development