The analysis of the data, reflecting the situation in labour market during post-crisis period in Lithuania, show the optimistic upward trends, but the situation is improving very slowly and is too fragile to avoid worrying about the future. The continuing demographic problems, intensive emigration, the growth of income disparities between the various groups of the population promotes the development of human resources and the adaptation of their skills in a constantly changing environment. The investigation on these issues is important from both – theoretical and practical points of view. From theoretical point of view analysis of scientific publications and generation of new ideas on proper management of challengers in a constantly changing environment it is important. Practical importance lies in provided proposals for increase of youth inclusion into labour, learning and training activities.
The investigation is based on monographic research of scientific publications, legislation, national and EU legal regulation of human resources and improvement of labour market situation. For empirical research there were used accessible statistical data and data from Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) made in 2016. In the result of this investigation are proposed measures for youth inclusion into labour, learning and training activities in Lithuania.