Title page, contents
Dear colleagues,
These Proceedings include 27 articles with results of scientific research of participants of the 26th Congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF): Agriculture for the next 100 years, which took place on 27–29 June 2018 at Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The Congress was dedicated to the presentation of latest research results and exchange of ideas on new investigations or the use of advanced research methods in various sectors of agriculture, biomedicine, technological and social sciences including interdisciplinary investigations in bio-economy, eco-systems, sustainable agriculture and rural development. The Congress programme embraces a wide range of topical directions in agriculture and rural development including crop farming, soil management, animal breading and welfare, sustainable land and landscape management, food quality and safety, food chain management, environment protection, farm management, improvement of policy in agriculture, economic and social aspects of rural development, education and consulting in agriculture and rural development in as wide as possible understanding of these topical directions.
Issuing these Proceedings, we are starting a new era of activities of NJF by giving a worldwide access to the research results of participants of NJF Congresses and increasing the visibility of NJF, which has a rich history and is celebrating its 100th anniversary, as it was established in year 1918. Currently eight national associations from Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and some not associated researchers from other countries participate in activities of NJF. We strongly believe that this act will serve to increase the authority of the network of agricultural scientists in Nordic and Baltic countries as well as the attractiveness of membership in this organisation for young researchers around the world.
Editor-in-Chief: Arvydas Povilaitis