• Bartosz Mickiewicz West Pomweranian University of Technology in Szczecin
  • Wojciech Brocki West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
Keywords: Baltic Sea, responsible fishery, sustainable fisheries, small-scale fisheries, marine fisheries, recreational fisheries


The deteriorating biological conditions in the Baltic Sea, a small epicontinental sea, due to overexploitation of fish stocks has led to a decline in the condition of fish stocks, both quantitatively (reduction of shoals) and qualitatively (size of the specimens and their condition). Overexploitation of fish stocks particularly concerns the most valuable species (e.g., cod and salmon) as well as the species that they feed on (e.g., herring and sprat). The growing competition in the exploitation of Baltic fish stocks has resulted in conflicts between different types of fisheries: small scale, marine, and recreational fisheries. Coastal zones experience intense conflicts, in which case, the most disadvantaged is the small-scale fisheries operating in a short distance from the harbors. However, catches for the industrial purposes are a probable cause of deterioration of the Baltic cod stocks. According to our review, the present condition of Baltic fisheries is far from the desired state described as sustainable fishery.
