• Vladimir Trukhachev Stavropol State Agrarian University
  • Oliinyk Serhii Stavropol State Agrarian University
  • Chernobay Eugene Stavropol State Agrarian University
  • Antonenko Tatiana Stavropol State Agrarian University
  • Viktor Konoplev Stavropol State Agrarian University
Keywords: sheep, animal line, correlation, heritability, repeatability


Modern trends in the development of sheep breeding suggest an increase in the importance of meat characteristics of animals with the fullest possible preservation of wool productivity indicators, which is particularly in demand when organizing lamb production, combined with the application of remote aerospace methods for assessing pasture fertility.

       The study of the relationship between morpho-biochemical blood indices and resistance to the live weight of young animals obtained from intra- and inter-linear selection of parents and the correlation analysis of the economically useful signs of mothers with their daughters made it possible to establish the degree of the prepotent influence of one mothers’ sign on the manifestation of a similar trait in offspring. 

       The Caucasian breed ewes of the desirable line have the greatest heritability of wool fineness (21.1-22.3 μm), so as the Jalghin merino ewes of the fine line -  (18.1-20.5 μm).  The shearing of the washed wool was better inherited by the Caucasian breed animals of the desired line and its interlinear selection with the thick-wool line, as well as the Jalghin merino ewes of the strong line.  The latter were characterized by the greatest degree of heritability of the live mass, as well as interlinear ewes when combined with long-wool and thick-wool lines. 

       At the age of 4 months, young ewes had the highest repeatability rates and did not have significant differences between linear and interlinear variants of breeding.  With increasing age, the level of repeatability factors in all groups was reduced to values ​​of 0.41 to 0.61.  At the same time, it should be noted that the young ewes of the Caucasian variety with interlinear breeding had the living mass feature characterized by greater stability than the linear one. 

The research was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia under the Agreement No. 14.613.21.0081 with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from November 22, 2017, the unique identifier: RFMEFI61317X0081.
